Sunday, November 12, 2006

Milongas Weekend Nov 11/12 2006

Unfortunately Tiger had some camera trouble and could only capture a few shots over the weekend. Too bad as there were some AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL 30's and 40's costumes at the All Night Milonga celebration.

Queen of the Night at Fifth Aniversary of All Night Milonga at Stepping Out

Diego y Anna perform at All Night Milonga

Oliver y Luna prepare to dance at All Night Milonga

DJ la Turca, Sultana, Tiger, y Ludo at Session 73

Friday, November 10, 2006

Ukrainian National Home

Bengi y Tonino

muy dramatico

oliver y luna

ludo leads
and follows

Kumi dances

Ramu y Elif

Thursday, November 9, 2006

tres scary milongueros

Here is the reason why the Mamas did not want their nice Catholic hijas in the milongas.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

El Gordo

drinking maté is excellent for your health. It gives you energy and can help you lose weight - but NOT when it is accompanied by medialunas y alfajores!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

mi nombre

In my early tango days, the Argentines named me the rascal or little bastard (la guacha), but now I am known as El Tigre or la tigressa This is because of my prowess on the dance floor and the fact that I look great in stripes.
O and I guess I should mention that I am also known as la bruja...