Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gayle and Lexa made it to the FINALS!

Hola Milongueros
Gayle Madeira and Lexa Roséan made it to the U.S. Tango Championship Finals in both the Salon and Stage Categories. Please come and cheer us on to win the US Tango Championship! Here's all the info:

Thursday, July 17th 9:00 – 10:00pm
Lafayette Grill, 54 Franklin St (Broadway & Lafayette St), NYC 212
732 5600

Salon Finalists will dance in one or two rounds together, and Judges
will pick 3 couples who may be required to dance again. The three
winning couples will receive 1st 2nd and 3rd place medals and the winning couple receives a trophy and $1000. Champions will perform at the milonga Thursday night and at the Friday Ball.

Stage Finals. Each couple will do their choreography and Judges will pick 3 couples who may be required to dance again. The three winning couples will receive 1st 2nd and 3rd place medals and the the winning couple receive a trophy and if the minimum of 5 entries is reached
$1000 for the 1st place couple.
Champions will perform at the milonga Thursday night and at the Sunday Soiree Finale

Wish us MERDE!!!

nos vemos y abrazos

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